Server Speed Matters

Website Speed Matters

Web hosting resources (ie. RAM, CPU, Entry Processes, etc) play a crucial role in website speed, particularly loading time and performance.
Given you have the best website design and products and you spend lots of time and money for SEO, your money and effort could be waisted if the server is not good.

Good Web Host Provide Great Speed

Prime Web Hosting is a powerful, fast and secure web host. It allocate more than enough resources that gives your website a great loading speed and performance.
As a result your website will get much quicker results from your SEO activity and higher ranking in Search Engines.

Cloud Web Hosting

Surely, it is also possible that your website loading speed remains slow, despite good resources your web hosting account may have.
That’s may occur, when the website has an engineering issue, such as a script or plugins that take lots of resources or a process that creates/opens too many files. Increasing web hosting resources may help on this situations, but won’t fix the problem.
Testing your website speed with GTmetrix may help you to find and resolve such issues.

Example below is a comparison of the performance of a website before and after migration to Prime Host server. For details on how to choose a webhosting service read the “How to Choose a Web Host

Website Speed Compare - before
Website Speed Compare

Get all you need on webhosting platform with light-fast server located in Sydney, to successfully manage your busy business websites.

We are experienced professionals who understand that IT services is changing, and are true partners who care about your future business success.

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WA 6004, Perth, Australia
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